Love Resigned
Chapter Seven:
Arrangements Made
Part Three
( Continued)
"Ayame, how much do you know about the person that you got disbarred for?" Dr. Foster asked as the two of them sat on his leather couch together. He was looking deeply into his beer can and was lost in his own concerns. "It's for my research and documentation of his case and for his therapist. You seem to be the person to ask."
"Samus, I swear that you know the wrong things to ask at the right times. I had hoped that I had known all about Aoi Sora from whee he had grown up to the fact that he was supposed to have taken part in this year's fashion week in New York. He and his twin sister, Aoi Nami, were to display the finest outfits that the designer Sumiya Kana had created since they were in high school together. And let me tell you that Sumiya-chan does such gorgeous work. It's like she puts her heart and love for the person that is most beloved to her into all of work."
She was frowning. "I am sorry, but I can only tell you about what the media has given to the general public. I know of his career, where he lived in Paris, France, and the fact that he has had a long-standing relationship with Satsuke Runa. He has, always, come out as a heterosexual man with a complicated past. Though, it was never explained how he had become a trap model. That's more or less all that I know about him."
She, suddenly, slid closer to him and placed a finger on his cheek. "So, you found him attractive? Why? You have never had those kind of thoughts in your life."
"Actually when I was in university, I did have an experience with my roommate that had ended about two years. He had found himself a good woman from a local all-girl's university. I was happy for him and came to desire the same for myself. And yet, I could not help myself for those memories to come back to me. I cannot help to wonder if Sora would give it the chance if he was just asked." Dr. Samus Foster gave her an answer as he began to notice just how close and feminine that Ayame was again. He allowed his thoughts to be carried away as they kissed one another. "We'll speak about your problems tomorrow."
"Yes, we will."
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